About Leefan


+ About Fanny +

Leefan Chen is my name, or Fanny in English. Growing up in a rural county with marvelous scenery and natural landscapes, I am lively and tend to see things in an open-minded perspective. I must say that I am really lucky to have such a beautiful hometown.
I inherit my father's wisdom and my mother's even temper. From my father, I learn how to cope with difficulties; from my mom, I learn how to keep calm to face every situation. What's more, my parents have taught me to be polite since I was very young. They think it is what we should do as human beings. An optimist by nature, I always look on the bright side of things. No matter what situation I run into, I think about the good ways instead of bad ones. Easy-going, humorous and good-tempered, I make friends easily. Being cheerful is another my personality. I always wear a smile on my face, and I always laugh even over small things. I believe that "Laugh, and the world will laugh with you; weep, and you weep alone." And we should bring happiness to people around us. In addition, I can also bear any setback. I'm not afraid of failures. The harder the thing is, the more I want to try it. Apart from those, I take delight in playing the violin very much, which I have learned for almost 6 years. I took part in Lanyang Orchestra for 2 years, from which I learned how to cooperate with others, and that was one of my most beautiful memories.

After graduation, I would like to be a great English teacher or an outstanding translator. I sincerely hope that I can have this chance to be one of the best learners in English world.

7 個意見:

Blogger Unknown 提到...

OH!How a elegant lady you are?
It's so lucky to meet you in AFL!
You are so idiosyncratic and kind!
I wish you have a colorful college

2007年3月20日 晚上10:35  
Blogger Sabina 提到...

wow!how elegant you are! haha!
you did a good job!

2007年3月20日 晚上10:48  
Blogger leefan 提到...


thank u 包子
thank u 小米
i love u guys so much~

2007年3月21日 上午10:15  
Blogger rozon 提到...

Hi, I'm Peggy.
I'm so happy to meet you.
Your article was writting very well.

2007年3月21日 上午11:36  
Blogger leefan 提到...


hello Peggy

thank you for your coming

you are so cute~

I like you very much~

2007年3月21日 下午4:40  
Blogger Mandy 提到...

you are a good girl that i have never met. i love u so much. we will be the best friend forever!!

2007年3月21日 晚上8:08  
Blogger 鳳娟 提到...

I am Ivy.
Thank you for your opinion.
Ya! I love you so much.

2007年4月3日 下午6:27  


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