About Leefan


My Favorite Song

My favorite song is "And I Love You So", and this is an old song. When listening to the music, I feel much better. The song is sang by many people, so I do not know who the first singer is. However, the melody is so comfortable that everytime I listen to this I relieve myself and feel relaxed. As long as thinking about this song, I will associate the lyrics with my family. Theyare my everything, my treasure, and my most-care-about persons. Hence, the song gives me a kind of sweet feeling, and also moves me.

In addition, there are a lot of old songs that I love listening and singing, such as "What A Wonderful World", "Tie A Yellow Ribbon On The Old Oak Tree", "Mr. Lonely" and the like. I do not know why, but I just like that kind of melody. They are so tender, so warm, and so comfortable. I think I like old thingsmore, so, maybe that is why I love the old songs so much.

In words, I recommand "And I Love You So" to you guys, it is a beautiful song with beautiful melody. Trust me, you will fell in love with "her" at once on hearing the song.


2 個意見:

Blogger Mandy 提到...

hey i am the first person coming here to leave the message. what sweet girl i am. riht??
you sang this song to me yesterday i felt so nice. and i heard it before. After you sang it, i have the different feel.

2007年3月21日 晚上8:11  
Blogger leefan 提到...

i'm moved
thank u for ur listening~

2007年3月22日 晚上10:12  


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