About Leefan


story & summary 2


The story I chose to read is “None of Her Business.” The story describes a lady named Pat was waiting for her bus, and she figured out that a special woman was waiting for bus as well. She was a blind woman, and nobody with her to help her. Pat was amazed about the woman and associated her to Helen Keller whom she had read in school before. But there were differences between them: Helen Keller was not only blind but also dumb and mute, while the woman was only could not see anything. And there happened one thing. A man came to the woman and asked her to go with him. As a matter of fact, the man tricked the blind woman. Fortunately, this was heard by Pat. She tried to call somebody to help the woman, but there was no one to take any action about it. Then she decided to do this on her own. Eventually Pat helped the woman and saved the woman’s life.

My reflection to this story is that we should be brave to help foreigners who need help. We should not be selfish to think that is none of our business. If so, one day we have troubles and no one wants to help us, what should we do? So in my opinion, I think we have to have passions to be glad to help others, and in that way, the world would be more wonderful.


2 個意見:

Blogger Mandy 提到...

ha ha
we read the same story you know?!
how match we are!!
i think our reflections are a little similar.
i think everyday i am so happy just because of you~~
Thank you for giving me help and joy.
I love you so much.

2007年4月10日 下午6:51  
Blogger Mandy 提到...

hey fanny
when i read your reflection, i felt you have got the important keynote in this story instead of mine.
It's a great job that i should learn from you.
And i got mistakes in your story:
first, you must point out the pronoun which is Pat or that woman exactly.
In that way, readers will easily understand which role you point.
Second, "waiting for bus" i think "for the bus" is better.An article is an important grammar when you are writing.
Third, "nobody with her to help her" i suppose that you dont need to write so long, just write "nobody to help her." That's my personal opinion.
Anyway, you use good phrases in the reflection that i never think about it.
You are really great and i find that this summary is better and longer than the "missing piece" one.
Keep doing your best and write more attractive story to me.

2007年4月17日 下午6:56  


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