About Leefan


About Growing Up

Reflection of The Missing Piece
After reading this short story, I think we should do things on our own as possible as we can, and be brave enough. During growing, we come across many problems, and we have to tackle these by ourselves. Nothing cannot be solved as long as we work hard and have patient on it. So in short, I feel this story is a kind of good one and tell people how to take this easy.



story & summary 2


The story I chose to read is “None of Her Business.” The story describes a lady named Pat was waiting for her bus, and she figured out that a special woman was waiting for bus as well. She was a blind woman, and nobody with her to help her. Pat was amazed about the woman and associated her to Helen Keller whom she had read in school before. But there were differences between them: Helen Keller was not only blind but also dumb and mute, while the woman was only could not see anything. And there happened one thing. A man came to the woman and asked her to go with him. As a matter of fact, the man tricked the blind woman. Fortunately, this was heard by Pat. She tried to call somebody to help the woman, but there was no one to take any action about it. Then she decided to do this on her own. Eventually Pat helped the woman and saved the woman’s life.

My reflection to this story is that we should be brave to help foreigners who need help. We should not be selfish to think that is none of our business. If so, one day we have troubles and no one wants to help us, what should we do? So in my opinion, I think we have to have passions to be glad to help others, and in that way, the world would be more wonderful.
